Since the first qualifier, we've made some changes to the robot that have improved the quality of our runs. In order to make our hanging process faster, we found that there was something in the code that we had to change in order to increase the speed of the motors. It hangs like light speed now, so we'll have more time to do things like the All-Clear. On Wednesday, we were testing the robot and the speed it took to hang, and I think we went a little too fast so the string that held us up to hang completely snapped.
We learned a little lesson there. It's not the first time we've fallen, though. I guess we just can't get too excited when hanging.
We also worked on our scoring mechanism a lot more, but it still isn't done. We were having trouble making a sufficient design for it, but we finally settled on a somewhat simplistic design and began to add to it. One of the problems about the box was that we had to make the arms higher so that the not only the squares, but also the balls could get into the mechanism. The attachment is almost done, we just need to make a few changes that will allow us to hook it into the middle of the robot, so as to actually collect the debris in front of us when we drive.
Our scoring mechanism (: (part of it) |
We're going to another family science night next Thursday, so we'll have some last minute outreach cramming, too.
We got some good news from Quintin, though. There was an Apple Internship Camp that FRC and FTC team members could apply for, and Quintin was in the top 75 people to get accepted.
Big news. :D
Anyway, not much is happening at the moment, but we are trying our best to be prepared for the next qualifier, even though we wish we had just a little more time than we already did.